Inflated Bridal Gowns
August 21, 2011
Inhaling and Exhaling
September 21, 2011

I had a great call the other day with a person, who shall rename anonymous, who liked the idea of me inflating their pantyhose. I know this has been attempted before but I came up with a great idea. We got a thick pair of white hose but ones that were twice his size, then we used some of my qualatex balloons and taped the bottom to the inside of the pantyhose near the ankle leaving the opening towards the waistline, I then carefully helped him put them on him, then with my helium tank which I inserted the hose at his waist line and turned the nozzle I began to fill each of the qualatex balloons up. If was loon-a-tistic! His legs began to puff up and expand it was an amazing sight to watch as he filled up and started to rise into the air just like a helium balloon. Carrie and I were talking about the thought of blowing people up and now I think we actually found a way.

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